June 3, 2011

Outed In Hollywood John Travolta, Lee Tamorhori, Andre Harrell and Pete Wenkz

Now that Mister Cee was busted with the transsexual and a book by a prostitute transsexual that allegedly slept with LL Cool J is out everyone is pretending to be so shocked in Hollywood.  This isn't anything new.  He isn't the first celebrity to be busted with a tranny nor will he be the last.  However, you have to admire his courage of daring to be different by pleading guilty of his dirty fetish.  I hate to play the race card.  Although, there is limited coverage on Film Director, Lee Tamorhori's arrest.  Lee Tamorhori is known for directing films such as, Once Were Warriors, The Edge, Die Another Day,XXX, State of the Union and a few more.
Tamorhori was arrested in early January for dressing as a woman and allegedly propositioning an undercover officer to perform a sex act for cash. Frank Mateljan, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles city attorney, said Tamahori got caught up in a prostitution sting operation on January 8 while cruising Santa Monica Boulevard in a black wig and an off-the-should dress.
Tamahori, 55, was charged with two misdemeanors; unlawfully soliciting to engage in an act of prostitution and loitering with the intent to commit prostitution. He was released on $2,000 bond and was originally slated to appear in court on February 2, but the hearing was postponed to February 24. He faces a maximum of six-months in jail and a $1,000 fine if convicted, although Mateljan did say that first time offenders were usually given the option of doing community service in lieu of serving jail time. Tamahori has reportedly hired celebrity attorney Mark Geragos. Geragos has represented the likes of Michael Jackson and Winona Ryder. There has been no official statement from Geragos’ camp.
My,my,my we forget so fast.  In February of this year a story was ran about Pete Wentz and ex-wife if they have divorced by now Ashlee Simpson.  Apparently, Ashlee  claimed to be as shocked as the rest of the world after reading an excerpt made by her husband in Out magazine claiming to be gay.  Matter of fact, his words verbatim are "Yes, I'm a fag!".  However, she claimed to be surprised others claim that she knew because Pete's sexual preference wasn't a secret in the industry.  In fact, he tries hard to stay in the closet that doesn't exist.  

According to author, Robert Randolph  John Travolta is another celebrity that enjoys gay sex with men.  Allegedly, there is a total of fifty men that confirmed to being sexually involved with John Travolta.  He is an alleged regular at the Los Angelos City Spa which is a known spot for male celebrities to fulfill gay sex requests.
Everyone suspected this man of being gay.  At least, I did anyway.  Well, allegedly Andre Harrell has openly admitted to being gay.  He is expected to make this data internationally sometime in the near future.  Let's just save him the trouble and do it for him.  Well, this concludes this segment of OnlyRocky.  However, I thank you as always and request that you be the voice that helps Gavin and Reka trailer views by clicking on the video posted below.  Again, thank you for all your support and be blessed...Peace....

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